Main page:
競売物件情報地域選択 - Foreclosed property information by district selection
お知らせ - Notification
競売物件情報 - Foreclosed property information
売却結果 - Sales result
過去データ検索 - Previous data search
売却スケジュール - Selling schedule

Property listings:
On the upper part of the listings page you can see this paragraph:
This only explains that BIT site will display synonyms of kanji/symbol for characters that are not registered in the system and cannot be used. Sometimes, there are incorrect display of characters.

Kanji characters that you can see on the property details in the table display:
条件検索 - Search criteria
条件選択 - Criteria selection
種別 - types
1. 土地 - Land/ lot
2. 戸建て - House
3. マンション - Mansion/ apartment
4. その他 - Others
売却基準価額 - Standard selling price
(Minimum selling amount) range
5.下限価額 - lower limit amount
6. 上限価額 - higher limit amount
所在地 - location
交通 - transportation
閲覧開始日(期間入札) - Inspection start date (Bidding duration)
閲覧開始日(特別売却) - Inspection start date (Special sale)
入札開始日 - Start of bidding/ auction
開札期日 - End of bidding/ auction
検索開始 - Start searching
事件番号で検索 - Search by case number
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